Home News Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand

Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand

Trump's courtroom naps spark concerns of dementia, expert says

Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand

Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand

As Donald Trump waved at supporters, he flashed bizarre red splotches on his right hand – sparking a slew of hilarious conspiracy theories online.

He was captured leaving Trump Tower early on Wednesday morning with the mysterious red cuts on his hand – hours after braving a snowstorm to speak to supporters alongside former 2024 GOP hopeful Vivek Ramaswamy.

Trump was on his way to court, where his accuser E. Jean Carroll testified in her second federal civil trial against him. She told the jury that Trump ‘shattered her reputation’ by ‘lying’ about sexually assaulting her and calling her a ‘wack job’.

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But people on the internet were more occupied with guessing what caused the red marks on Trump’s fingers and hands – coming up with all types of theories.

Referencing the orange hue of his face, one person guessed that the bizarre marks on his hands must be ‘the fake suntan rubbing off.’

Another person joked: ‘Too many jelly doughnuts.’

Others said that the red residue on his hands may be from the red ink on top secret documents – while people online joked that he burned his hands while trying to curl his hair before court on Wednesday morning.

Some people online thought that the physical ailment may be a sign of Trump’s anxiety or an actual medical condition – considering his packed calendar.

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One person wrote about Trump’s red splotchs: ‘Anxiety can manifest itself in skin picking,’ while another posed the question: ‘Arthritis?’

Many guessed that the former president had just finished a meal with ketchup or tomato sauce – so his fingers were simply covered in the food residue.

Others thought that maybe the red marks were in fact blisters – caused by him using new golf clubs, or involving himself in other friction-heavy activities.

Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump's hand
Mysterious red marks seen on Trump’s hand


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