Couple ‘Resist Arrest To Have S3x “One Last Time” As Police Surround Their Home

    A man and his girlfriend reportedly refused to surrender to
    police as a SWAT team surrounded their house because they wanted to have sex
    “one last time”. Ryan Patrick Bautista and Leanne Hunn, both 34,
    refused to leave their mobile home as they made love during a night-long
    stand-off with cops in Florida on Wednesday, the Times-Union reported.
    Hunn allegedly told police over the phone that she would
    turn herself in once she had had s3x with Bautista for the final time.
    The couple were finally arrested at 4am on Thursday morning
    after police arrived at the scene at 9.30pm the night before.
    Bautista was wanted for armed burglary. He and Hunn were
    reportedly charged with resisting arrest without violence and false

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