JUST IN: I Stopped Loving My Boyfriend After I Aborted Our Child! How Can I Love Him Back?

    I started dating my boyfriend 13 years ago but somewhere
    along the line, he started cheating on me. I used to cry and pray and beg him
    to stop but it didn’t stop. 9 years into the relationship, I got pregnant and
    had to abort the baby after much persuasion from him.
    After this incident, I realised my love for him started
    decreasing in fact I started hating men all together. 2 years ago, I finally
    realised I had little or no love for him any more so I asked for a break up but
    he begged me and promised to change which surprisingly he did.
    But Ladun each time I try to look for feelings in me for him
    I only remember the pain and hurt I went through and the baby I aborted for him
    and how I might not make heaven because of the abortion. This makes me hate him
    more than love him. I have tried to break up with him many times but instead he
    ups his game and shows me more love in ways that can only be imagined.

    After some fasting and prayers to God to help me handle the
    situation, I got some indications that he might just be sincere about loving me
    so I have decided to give it another try. They say the devil you know is better
    than the angel you don’t know so I want to give it one last shot but I want to
    make sure I put in my all my best with a clear heart and see how it goes.
    Pls fellow LL readers, kindly help me. I will appreciate if
    you can give me tips on how to soften my heart towards this guy who has been my
    only boyfriend and help me love him.  God
    bless you Ladun and God bless all LL readers. It would also gladden my heart if
    you don’t haul abuses and curses at me and just help me as I have come here
    with a sincere heart looking for sincere advice. Thanks again.

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