My Exclusive Interview With Prince Uzoegwu! Says I’m Not Ready For Marriage Now, But I Plan To Have Kids Soon

    SO I had this exclusive chat with Nigeria’s most talked
    about fashion stylist, Prince Uzoegwu and he spoke on a lot of issues. He talked about his
    relationship with Denrele Edun, his clients, why he dresses the way he does and of
    course, what you have all been waiting to hear; his LOVE life. Lol. Enjoy the interview after the cut.

    A lot of blogs started writing about you when you started
    appearing on red carpets with Denrele because of the way you dress. What inspires
    your outfit?
    Basically I have always been a metro s*xuality guy. I love been
    Gothic and edgy. I hate pretty and the normal norms of dressing because I find
    it boring and over used. The way I dress is my own means of accepting who I am.
    It is my way of expressing myself. Besides seeing Alexander Mcqueen’s
    collection when I was in high school tickled my interest in fashion and this
    brought about my obsession with everything to do with the way I dress.

    I love skinny jeans, it suits my frame.  It is about dressing for your shape and
    letting your personality come through. I like colour blocking, and tees that
    make a statement. I wear contact lenses sometimes to stand out. I don’t like
    looking like everyone else.

    But don’t you think that is the more reason a lot of
    people refer to you as being gay?
    Well I feel the way I dress is an expression of how I feel
    and how I wanna look.  I don’t follow
    style or norms because I find it boring. I believe in fashion freedom which I am
    expressing. If any sees it as been gay good luck to them. Ignorance is really a
    disease. I guess that is why a lot of them can’t differentiate from fashion
    freedom and ones s*xuality.

    What is your relationship with Denrele?
    Denrele is a friend and someone I see as a mentor.

    Can you mention some great clients you have worked with?
    Goldie, Tiwa Savage, South African artist, Mshoza,  Eda Rose, Cythnia Morgan, Oge Okoye, Layole Oyatogun,
    Joan Okorodudu, Dwight of the real housewives of Atlanta, Caroline Ekanem Danjuma,
    Monalisa Chinda, Joy Tango, the list is endless.

    Why did you choose to become a Fashion Stylist?

    Seeing Alexander Mcqueen collection when I was younger
    tickled my interest in fashion and this brought about my obsession with
    everything to do with the industry. Great designers who have created works of
    art are admirable.

    Tell us about your educational background

    I have a bachelor degree from the University of Nigeria, Nsukka
    where I studied English and International relations

    So are you in a relationship?


    Do you mind telling us about her?
    Well I am in a very private and passionate relationship with
    someone I call a soul mate.

    When are you thinking of settling down with her?
    I don’t think I will love to settle down because I am more
    career-minded right now. But then you never can tell what love can do.

    Are you trying to pass a message across to your girlfriend
    through this medium or does she plan to stay single as well?
    Well she understands me and she is very
    willing to be with me

    What about having kids? Are you not considering that?
    I love kids….I should be having one soon before the year

    Thank you for your time

    You welcome dear

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