Pasuma over the moon as daughter becomes US Navy officer

    Pasuma Wonder is over the moon as one of his daughters, Opeyemi Odetola is now a Navy Officer in the US.

    Pasuma shared a photo of her in her uniform saying she always make himself and her mother proud. He then jokingly warn his haters asking them not to mess with him.

    ”E ma lo wa o, I joba la wa o’, the fuji delight said.

    ‘Congratulations to me, my gurl is a Navy now in USA, Opeyemi L’america congrats my dearest daughter,yhu alwayz make me and yhur mum proud alwayz. May God almighty guide yhu in yhur choosing career(Amin yah ALLAHU.E MA LO WA OOO IJOBA LAWA OOO’, he wrote.

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