I heard something on air today. A man on a talk show said
the westerners have encouraged African women to get a job at the expense of
their family, forgetting we have a culture in Africa, where women are meant to
stay at home and bring up their children to be responsible kids in the society.
He said and I quote ‘when the children are old enough to take care of
themselves, you can now go and pursue your career as a woman’.
the westerners have encouraged African women to get a job at the expense of
their family, forgetting we have a culture in Africa, where women are meant to
stay at home and bring up their children to be responsible kids in the society.
He said and I quote ‘when the children are old enough to take care of
themselves, you can now go and pursue your career as a woman’.
Sadly a lot of women have emulated the western culture,
pursuing their careers and running their homes at the same time, which will leave
a lot of things unattended too. You cannot do two things together, you cannot
eat your cake and still have it, he said. Women are meant to stay at home and
raise their kids and be responsible wives he concluded.
pursuing their careers and running their homes at the same time, which will leave
a lot of things unattended too. You cannot do two things together, you cannot
eat your cake and still have it, he said. Women are meant to stay at home and
raise their kids and be responsible wives he concluded.
Do you agree with him? Do you think women should face their
marriage squarely after getting married to raise their children alone?
marriage squarely after getting married to raise their children alone?
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