Home Weird news Woman arrested for wheeling uncle’s co*pse into bank to sign off £2,500...

Woman arrested for wheeling uncle’s co*pse into bank to sign off £2,500 loan

Woman arrested for wheeling uncle's corpse into bank to sign off £2,500 loan

The recent incident in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, where a woman attempted to secure a loan using her deceased uncle’s identity is both shocking and disturbing.Woman arrested for wheeling uncle's corpse into bank to sign off £2,500 loan

Bank staff became suspicious when they observed the woman propping up her uncle’s head and trying to coerce him into signing documents, despite his obvious state of being deceased.

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Upon investigation, it was confirmed that the man, Paulo Roberto Braga, had passed away hours earlier. The woman, identified as Erika de Souza Vieira Nunes, claimed to be his niece and caregiver. However, her actions raised serious concerns about potential fraud, prompting her arrest by the police.

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Authorities are now investigating further to determine if there were any accomplices involved and to establish the circumstances surrounding Mr. Braga’s death and the attempted loan.

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