A Premier League footballer fathers a child with an escort

    A £1,500-a-night escort has claimed she’s had a son fathered by a Premier League star – who she says booked her several times behind his partner’s back.

    Katy Morgan said the player had s*x with her at least three times last year after his England pals recommended her – and she later found she was pregnant.

    Her son was born in March, and a DNA test confirmed the player is the dad, according to The Sun.

    According to the publication, 26-year-old Katy told a friend: “He was shocked when I told him I was pregnant and he wouldn’t believe it was his baby I was carrying.

    “He was gutted to be told he was going to be a dad.

    “He seemed to think it was embarrassing for him, knowing some of his footballer friends had been clients of mine.

    “They gave him my number and said he’d have a good time with me. He had no problem paying for my services.

    “I was recommended to him by two friends who are both England footballers. I’ve been with other Premier League players, too. I find them very fit.”

    Katy, who no longer works as an escort, had advertised as KinkyKaty, describing herself as a “curvy brunette with blue eyes… I’m elegant but can be wild!”

    According to The Sun she said the top-flight star booked her several times from last June, saying he paid her £1,500 to stay with him in a swanky hotel.

    “He had s.e.x with me on at least three occasions,” she told a friend, as quoted by the publication.

    “I’m sure our baby was conceived in July after he hired me to join him at a weekend music festival.

    “I told him last August I was pregnant and I was sure it was his.

    “Now the DNA results have established the facts he says he is going to pay his way.

    “He is agreeing to a monthly maintenance deal with me although it’s not finalised yet.

    “I didn’t want it to turn nasty and hadn’t intended to get pregnant. I told him that.

    “Hopefully now he’s had time to come to terms with this news.

    “I’m sure he will be brilliant dad and have contact with his child. That’s up to him, I won’t force that.

    “All I know is that I’m going to be the best mum possible to my child who I love with all my heart.”

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