Amara Maduka wants National emergency declared over her claims of non-availability of big manhood in Nigeria

    Nollywood actress, Amara Maduka has cried out over non-availability of big manhood in the country. According to her, Nigerian men with big eggplants have absconded with foreigners and she thinks something should be done fast about it at the National level.

    While responding to a question on rape in  an interview with The Sun, she said;

     “How a woman dresses has absolutely nothing to do with her being raped. People just don’t get it. An adult must learn self-control or they will always land in trouble. As women, we see men wear really tight pants and have their huge crotches bulging provocatively, but we don’t rape them. Even though, some of us just admire the thing and move on, because as adults, we know it is not an invitation. But I see them on Instagram.

    “Sadly, we mostly see those big types online because we don’t have men with big eggplants (manhood) in Nigeria. Most of our men with big eggplants have absconded with foreigners, leaving us with few or nothing. This is so bad and I think it should be treated as a national emergency.

    “Well, on an average, the size doesn’t matter but the usage does. Then again, if it’s too small, wetin we gain? “

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