Nigerian comedian Adebamiro Adeyanju, known as Mr. Hyenena, recently shared his experience working with Florence Otedola, popularly known as DJ Cuppy.
In an interview with Echo Room, he revealed that he served as her hypeman for about two years before being dismissed.
Hyenena recounted how he first met DJ Cuppy, noting that they both attended the same church as the Otedola family and had often crossed paths. One day, he introduced himself to her, and she was impressed, leading to their collaboration.
However, after DJ Cuppy was baptized, she decided to focus more on her DJ career and eventually parted ways with him. Hyenena mentioned that he once asked his best friend to fill in for him, but later took back the role.
Despite the outcome, the comedian expressed his gratitude for the opportunity to work with such a wonderful family.
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