Two teenage boys were arraigned in Lagos on Thursday for allegedly defiling an eight-year-old girl in turns. The accused, Michael Lawal (15) and Tunde Taiwo (17), were both residents of Ogunmokun Street, Mushin, Lagos.
They are facing a three-count charge of conspiracy, illegal s3xual intercourse and assault in an Ikeja
Magistrates’ Court, Lagos.
The Prosecutor, Insp Emada Victor, told the court that the accused lured the minor to No. 1, Ijaye St., Mushin, where they s3xually assaulted her in turns on June 15, 2015.
He added that the matter was reported to the police after the victim confessed to her parents that she was defiled by the accused persons.
The accused, however, pleaded not guilty to the charges.
The prosecutor said that the offences contravened Sections 135 and 166 of the Criminal Law of Lagos State, 2011.
The Chief Magistrate, Mr F. A. Azeez, granted the first accused bail in the sum of N70,000 and the second N50,000 with two sureties each in like sum and adjourned the case till April 20.
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