We Can Help Improve Your Child Academically! Our Testimony

    We will share the story of one of our students. Emmanuella,
    her teacher greets her with “hi five” and a visible friendship exists
    between her and her teacher. She jumps at her teacher, plays with her teacher
    and always free to tell her teacher what she feels at any time, she even points
    it out when she feels she needs a break or when reluctant to learn. Her recent
    result, 97.3%, her mother’s reaction was filled with excitement, her secret
    “the teacher student relationship”.

    In improving your child/ward the relationship between the
    teacher and student is key and can’t be over looked. At Smart Learning our
    teachers have been trained and mandated to build strong unbreakable
    relationships with students, to deliver parent expected results, motivate
    students, help them to become outstanding among their colleagues and deliver
    all round moral ethics. Please read more on how to improve your child/ward.
    Change agents are passionate and driven about their vision.
    They make the tough decisions keeping what’s best for the students in focus. A
    teacher must act as an agent of change to the students, motivate and encourage
    them and draft out a strategy to ensure a process of change occurs in the student.
    At Smart Learning a chain of progress is observed by the presiding teacher and
    an account of the change programme is been monitored and discussed with the
    lead teacher and also shared with the parents/clients.
    We review our student’s Mission Statement. The vision should
    describe why it is important to achieve your mission statement while looking to
    the future. It should portray what will be achieved if the student is
    successful in achieving its goals. Both the teacher and student would be
    invested in the vision with a total buy-in from the parents . The both parties
    keep their eyes on the prize and never veer from the vision.
    At Smart Learning we engage in proper off school learning
    which ensures that your kids learn at a place of convenience prescribed by
    parents. One on one teaching gives the best solution to academic problems most
    kids are suffering from. Attention, relationship, confidence, expression
    without fears of class mates mocking and lots more are benefits of this
    procedure of learning. All our clients have a testimony of improvement and even
    the students with poor results have benefitted from this scheme.
    Please feel free to talk and apply for our services or seek
    for free guidance and counselling for your children/wards…. Thanks

    For enquires and consulting – [email protected],
    07059216452, 08169930410.

    Follow Us on Facebook – @LadunLiadi; Instagram – @LadunLiadi; Twitter – @LadunLiadi; Youtube – @LadunLiadiTV for updates


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