Obese Mother Accustomed To Fast Food Loses 168lbs

    An obese mother who battled with her weight since she was eight years old has revealed how she lost more than 12 stone and went on to marry her personal trainer.

    Sara Magnusson Backström, 37, from Gothenburg, Sweden, tipped the scales at 23 stone, piling on the pounds after turning to fast-food at the age of 19 when she gave birth to her son. However, Sara who now weighs just over 10 stone said she knew she had to lose weight after being left red faced when a camping chair snapped underneath her at a garden store.

    Determined to shed the pounds, she immediately hired personal trainer Fredrik Magnusson, who she would later tie the knot with, and began working out three times a week.

    After losing 5.5st, the make-up artist switched to an online diet plan and upped her workouts to 10 times a week. She then lost a further 6st 13lb and began to build muscle which she claims helped fill excess skin.

    Having lost a total of 12st 6lb, she married Fredrik on July 4 last year after training together for 10 months.

    The mother now flaunts her toned assets on Instagram where she has more than 12,000 fans.

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