Lol, read Chad’s bizarre encounter. A man claims a crazed cannibal tried to bite his ear off moments after telling him his favourite food was “rare steak”. Chad Feeney, 25, suffered gruesome injuries in the alleged attack while he was temporarily staying at a YMCA hostel.
He said he was awoken in the early hours of the morning by a man who had returned from a night out.
They began chatting in the common room of the hostel in Birmingham, West Mids., before the man suddenly jumped on him.
Engine assembler Chad said: “We got onto the subject of food. I mentioned I loved pizza and he said he loved a rare steak. Continue…
“Then before I knew what was happening he jumped on top of me and started repeatedly punching me in the face.
“I tried to fight back but he was bigger than me. Then I felt him bite my right ear, it sounded like someone was eating lettuce.
“There was a massive chomp and then there was blood everywhere. He had blood all over his mouth and was laughing manically to himself.”
Chad claims he lost part of his ear which he says he was unable to find afterwards.
“He was like a crazed cannibal, he reminds me of Hannibal Lecter,” he said.
“They should lock him up and throw away the key. He was a complete lunatic.”
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